I Like Stellar

A few years ago, Coinbase popped up with one of their learn-and-earn offers. Learn about a crypto project, earn a few tokens. I had heard a little scuttlebutt about the founder leaving Ripple and the bad blood. And then the subsequent, almost biannual updates about…

By colson

... 6 hours later

After 6 or 6.5 hours or trying to get Rollup and Stellar-SDK to try to play nice together I gave up. Went back and tried creating a svelte-webpack template from the ground up. After getting the base template set up and multiple stabs at getting…

By colson

Javascript: Tooling Wasteland

There is absolutely nothing worse than trying to get a Javascript application stood up. I have wasted hours upon hours upon hours trying to resolve issues just trying to include a library. Between different versions of node, or npm modules or different bundlers or frameworks,…

By colson


I was able to get some funds into Stellar and so far.... I like it. I had some converted Bitcoin sitting in a Lightning wallet and pushed it over to Stellar. A bunch of knob fiddling later and I was able to swap to a…

By colson

Crypto and Caveat Emptor

With the high volume of shit coins being spun out all over the Intertubes, it might be a good idea to go back to Bitcoin's founding and push forward a key point that lies in the original white paper. The main concept of Bitcoin is…

By colson